Sister Societies
These are some of the Organizations we work with:
Sunday worship . Holy Communion every 1st & 3rd Sunday. Creche and Sunday School available. You are cordially invited to join us every Sunday morning at 10.30 and come back to the Hall for coffee and refreshments after the service so that we can get to know you.
Monday mornings Ladies’ Bible Study at the ladies homes. Call Audrey 2 2232-1113 for more information
Tuesday Mornings - Mens Breakfast Fellowship - Church Hall 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
Quarterly Book Fairs - where thousands and thousands of used books are availalble, as well as marmalades & chutneys.
See their webapage at:
Facebook page:
Scottish Country dancing: Every Wednesday evening, between April and November, at the Prince of Wales Country Club in El Altillo from 7:30pm to 9pm, followed by drinks and food in the bar. A Ceilidh is usually held in June of every year.
Come for the dancing, exercise, food and fun - with a partner or alone. Some dances are easy and others a little more complicated.
The Society's main event is the Caledonian Ball held annually, usually in August or September. Another annual event is the Quaich Golf Tournament, usually held in mid-October.
Chieftain: Ms. Joanna Mackenzie - can be contacted at 2 2220-5696 for more details.
The Royal British Legion Chile (RBL)
The Royal British Legion is a charity which supports ex-Servicemen of the British Armed forces. The major fund-raising event is the Poppy Appeal on Remembrance Day, which is the Armistice Day of the First World War. The Armistice occurred at 11 am on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918, and the Poppy is the Flanders poppy which grew on the battlefields of northern France and Belgium.
The Santiago branch of the Royal British Legion is also a Chilean registered charity which helps ex-servicemen and their immediate descendants who live in Chile, primarily with the cost of living supplements, hospitalisation expenses and other medical expenses.
Our major fund-raising events, apart from the BBQ and Golf day, are the Annual Poppy Appeal and the Remembrance Day Garden Party, which take place in November. There is an annual service at the Santiago Community Church, Holanda 151, Providencia, on the nearest Sunday to November 11th to remember those who died in all wars and conflicts.
Members consist not only of Legionnaires and ex-servicemen, but of anyone who is interested in our cause. Everyone is welcome to join, British, Chilean or any other nationality and we especially welcome young people to help with our fund raising activities.
For further details please contact the secretary Ian Kerr at
See their webpage at:
The English-Speaking Union Chile (ESU Chile)
The English-Speaking Union Chile (ESU Chile) was legally established as a non-governmental, non-profit-making corporation under the terms of decree Nº1322 on 21st March 2005.
Our Patron is Her Excellency the Ambassador of the United Kingdom.
ESU Chile was officially launched at a ceremony in the British Ambassador’s residence, Santiago, on 23 October 2006. This took place in the presence of the then British Ambassador, Mr Richard Wilkinson, the previous Chairman of the English-Speaking Union, The Lord Watson of Richmond, and the Director-General of the ESU, Mrs Valerie Mitchell, together with 35 delegates from ESU branches in several countries.
The Executive Committee comprises:
Jonathan Callund - Chairman
Joseph Williams - Vice Chairman
Alan Mackenzie - Treasurer
For further information, please contact National Coordinator - Gabriela Devoto -
The Work of ESU Chile
Since its inception in 2005, ESU Chile has developed a number of activities aimed at achieving the objectives of the ESU world organisation.
Our current programme includes:
a) The annual Public Speaking Competition in English for schools. The winner receives an all-expenses-paid trip to London to participate in the ESU International Public Speaking Competition in London
b) The annual Debating Tournament in English for Schools
c) The annual English Writing Competition for Chilean nationals, in two categories aged between 14 & 22, run in conjunction with the Instituto Chileno-Británico de Cultura
d) Poetry Recitation Competition for grades 3-5 and 6-8 – introduced in November 2012
e) Workshops for teachers on topics related to ESU Chile activities.
Nuestra institución, fundada en 1938, cuenta con la mayor tradición y experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma inglés en el mercado. El quehacer cultural, en conjunto con nuestras actividades de extensión, nos convierten en un centro integrador entre la cultura chilena y la británica, constituyendo con el (ABCI -Asociación de Institutos Culturales Británicos en América Latina) la mayor red de cultura y educación británica en Latinoamérica, llegando a más de 300.000 alumnos.
La versatilidad de nuestra oferta, nos permite cubrir las distintas necesidades de aprendizaje del idioma inglés que los alumnos requieren. Lo anterior se logra mediante cursos dirigidos a adultos, niños, universitarios, profesionales y docentes, como también con departamentos especializados en la atención a colegios, universidades y empresas.
Los pilares fundamentales de nuestro éxito son: clases presenciales en nuestras seis sedes ubicadas en la Región Metropolitana, clases on-line para adultos, niños, colegios, universidades y empresas con la calidad profesional de nuestros docentes y excelencia en la metodología de la enseñanza.
Nuestros docentes son todos pedagogos, muchos con estudios de postgrado en el Reino Unido; la metodología de enseñanza para todos nuestros cursos está centrada en el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades del idioma: comunicación oral, comprensión auditiva, comprensión lectora y redacción.
See their webpage at:
The British and Commonwealth Fire and Rescue Company "J.A.S. Jackson" (14th FIRE COMPANY or Bomba 14)
See their webpage at:
Camaraderie, Culture & Charity in Chile
The International Association of Chile (IAC) offers a place for those who live in Chile to become involved in a culturally diverse, English-speaking group.
We provide opportunities for members and their families to become familiar with Santiago; to participate in a wide-range of social activities; and to get involved in serving the community through charity projects.
See their webpage:
Santiago Stage is a voluntary non-profit English language theatre company, based in Santiago Chile. We produce plays to entertain the English speakers of Chile while raising funds for local grassroots Chilean charities.
Established circa 1972, Santiago Stage has become a well renowned English speaking organization, in recent years becoming synonymous with the word theatre in Santiago. We aim to produce plays to the highest possible standards and make our patrons laugh, a lot!
The company also offers drama workshops alongside it’s performance, each workshop based on their current performance. Excellent for students of both Drama and English in higher education. We look forward to entertaining you. Laugh along with Santiago Stage and make a difference.
See their webpage at:
Facebook page: