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Letter from our new Chairman, Mr. Michael Hardy

Dear Friends and Supporters of the Society,

On taking over the Chairmanship of the BCS, I would like to thank Victor Hawkins for the out-standing work he has done within the community in general and the BCS in particular. I am sure I rep-resent everyone in recognizing Victor's continuous dedication, hard work and on-going concern with community affairs. We are delighted that he remains on the Board with us and as his replacement as Chairman I will tap into his knowledge on all issues and learn from his experience as he continues to play a key role as Vice-Chairman of the Society.

I would like to use this opportunity to remind all BCS members and supporters that it is the time of year when we appeal to your generosity. We need and count on your donations, so generously given every year. The BCS’ main purpose is to support community members in need - a long term commitment, and for this the BCS depends on these donations.

Further to coordinating support for community members in need, the Committee has been working on making British culture available to everyone living in and around Santiago. Over the last few years this has centred on a travelling stage company who has brought us some very entertaining per-formances, much enjoyed by those attending. This will continue this year with The Lighthouse Company bringing two short Noel Coward plays (Brief Encounters and Mild Oats). We plan to extend this initiative and are working with the Teatro Nescafé so that we may have access to their HD film exhibitions. These are a selection of the best plays performing at this time in London, as well as live showings of events from the Metropolitan Theatre of New York. We will be providing more information on this initiative as it unfolds in the next few months.

We ask you now to take a couple of minutes to think about the needs of those the Society supports and we hope you will encourage your family and friends to do likewise. These donations complement investment returns and fund raising events in financing those we support.

Thanking you in advance for your generosity,

Yours sincerely,

Michael Hardy

For the purposes of online banking or deposits, our details are as follows:

  • Account Name: British Commonwealth Society.

  • RUT: 81.456.700-1

  • Account Details: Banco Santander, Cuenta Corriente: 00-18255-9

Please also send E-mail advice to:

* For legal purposes, $10.000 pesos out of each donation will be considered membership dues.

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