I Festival of the Highlands - Highland Games 2018
A local Chilean organisation, together with the official Chilean representatives of the International Highland Games Federation, are holding their 5th Highland Games 2018, to be held on Saturday, 5th May.
This year they are having a Festival around the competition, making it the
I Festival of the Highlands. There will be music, dancing, food, historical recreationist groups, and much more, with competitions such as the traditional Scottish "Caber tossing."
Everyone interested is invited to attend and enjoy themselves. No entrance fee.
Date: Saturday, 5th May, between 11:00 a.m. and 19:30 hours.
At: Campus Quimey del Instituto Sagrado Corazón, on Avenida Portales No. 2744, San Bernardo (Nos)
Nearest Metro Tren Station: CINCO PINOS leaving from Estación Central.
For more details , see their flyers below as well as the links to their Facebook Fanpage and Event page.
Facebook fanpage: https://web.facebook.com/HighlandGamesCL/
Facebook event: